Summer Season May 15th - October 15th
$185 / Per foot length of slip
$1,800 - Summer Season Mooring
$400 Annual Associate Membership Fee
Electricity individually metered at every slip
Please call 207-439-8872 for availability for slips and moorings
Winter Storage Slips: October 15th to May 15th
$24 per foot based on length of slip
$150 Winter Associate Membership Fee
Electricity individually metered at every slip
Winter Upland Storage Rates: October 15th through May 15th.
$47 per foot (sailboats $40 per foot) of overall boat length
$22 per foot for Associate Members
Haul, launch, bottom power wash* included
Payment in full due at time of haul. Signed contract, proof of insurance and all outstanding balances must be paid in full and must be received prior to launching. Additional charges and storage fees may be incurred for late payments and delayed launches. (Sailboats- stands supplied by IBH at cost.)
Shrink Wrapping: $33 per foot on land. $37 per foot in water. Door extra $50.
Custom shrink wrapping charged time and materials.
Labor Rates: $55.00 per hour
Bottom Power Wash: $55 up to one hour. Labor rates charged for additional time after the first hour.
Temporary Club Slip Use: $2.00 per foot per day per slip length
Temporary Yard Storage: $1.00 per foot per day (overall length includes all trailer dimensions) - members only
Hauling and Launching:
Rail: $13.00 per foot round trip for three days from time of haul. Bottom power wash*. After 3 days add $1.00 per foot per day.
Quick Haul: $225 for up to three consecutive days tide to tide including bottom power wash* (Key Members only) $100 - Same tide during scheduled work hours, bottom wash extra
Trailer Haul: $8 per foot of overall length one way, $16.00 for round trip for 14 days from time of haul. Boats not hauled by boat club equipment add $1 per foot surcharge each way. Bottom power wash*, stands and blocks. Boats not hauled by club equipment add $1 per foot surcharge each way. After 14 days add $1.00 per foot per day.
Labor Rates: $55.00 per hour
Bottom Power Wash: $55.00 per boat (Environmental Impact Fee) if needed. Power washing up to one hour only. Labor rates charged for additional time after the first hour.
Directions By Sea:
GPS Coordinates:
43°05.77' N
070°46.00' W
Directions By Land:
Great Cove Boat Club is at 225 Main Street, Eliot, Maine, 03903.
Note:Some older mapping software has the numbers on Main Street reversed. If you find yourself far from the river, try #1 Main Street.